Agua: How do your husband and children support or motivate you to keep pursuing your personal passions?
Georgia: By joining me! My girls are always with me in the kitchen. They try everything, which is a value my husband and I have tried to instill in them since the beginning. On the other hand, my husband and I love to travel together and get to know more sides to each other. Once in a while we take the girls as well, especially when it's to the beach where we can truly take advantage of the outdoors and the beauty of nature.

Georgia and Armand soaking up the love in paradise.
Agua: Can you tell us the greatest lesson you got from your mom? How is it relevant to you to this day?
Georgia: My mom led by example. So much of how I am today is not because of what she said but because of what I saw. From simple things like her baking style, to the way she taught us to respect our household help, to the strength in her faith—I have these in me to this day because of the constant examples she set.
The mermom with her three adorable little mermaids!
Agua: With three girls and one on the way, it’s now your turn—what value or words of wisdom do you wish to impart to them?
Georgia: I wish for them to always be themselves and to know that that is enough. I hope they are all confident in the women they grow up to be and never succumb to social pressures.
Agua: For you, what makes you an Agua girl, or rather, an Agua mom?
Georgia: I am an Agua girl because I will always be a water baby at heart, longing to be under the sun and to cleanse myself in the ocean. On the other hand, I'm an Agua mom because I am confident and I embrace every curve of my body, and I aim to pass this positive body image on to future generations.
Stay posted on this mom through her Instagram page! You can also check out her gastronomic adventures at her blog, tonguetraveling.com